Jetty and I walked on the boardwalk the other day and as always, I watched for my beloved dolphins. The water, unusually calm, parted soon after we got there, and a dolphin leaped into the air. I pulled Jett from his stroller, and snuggled him on the top rail so he could enjoy them, too. There were several, jumping and chasing each other. An older couple walked by, and I asked if they'd noticed the beautiful creatures, and pointed them out. The woman finally saw them, then after a couple minutes of hard searching, her husband did, too. I enjoyed their excitement, though Jetty, already bored, was back in his stroller and ready to go on.
The dolphins follow a pretty specific track along the inner sandbars, where fish like to swim, so it isn't hard for us to know where to look. For others not familiar with our area, it's harder to see them, because the water is vast and you have to focus in one tiny area. As Jetty sat in his stroller and the older man searched to see the dolphins, Jetty quoted a random -- and new to me -- line from his favorite movie, "Cars". "Turn your lights on, you Moron!" Mortified, I glanced over to see if the gentleman thought Jett was talking to him, since Jett just happened to be facing that direction, but fortunately the man was so focused on the water, he missed the infamous quote.
As we walked away, I noticed other couples sitting and staring out at the water, but they missed what was right before their eyes. It made me think of God, and how some people so easily search for Him and find Him, while others have to hunt for a while, and are so enthusiastic to find Him , and yet sometimes God sets Himself right in front of others, and they refuse to see Him at all!
So turn your lights on, and don't miss what's before you on the journey!